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Rules and Regulation:

1. The school assembly begins at 8:45 AM.
2. All should arrive at the school before 8:30 AM.
3. All students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations Ignorance of rules will not be accepted as an excuse.
4. When the bell at 8:30 AM is given, all the students are expected to be in their respective classes. When the second bell rings, they should assemble in silence and in order for assembly. They should come and go for the assembly in line and in order.
5. English is the only medium of communication in the school campus.
6. Perfect silence must be observed in the classroom. Classrooms are reserved for study and not for recreation. Any kind of damage done to school property such as equipment, furniture, building etc. will have to be made good by the student himself/herself.
7. Every students shall greet their teachers of the school when he/she meet them in the class and in the school premises.
8. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed. When passing along the corridors, students shall maintain silence.
9. Students are strictly forbidden to write or make any remarks on the walls or any part of the school premises or furniture and student found doing so will be liable to punishment.
10. Punctuality and regular attendance will be insisted upon. Late comers without written explanation from parents or guardians will not be admitted in the class. Irregular attendance, neglect of home assignment, misbehaviour even outside the school premises and insubordination to school authorities will justify disciplinary action against the students.
11. No student is allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
12. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
13. No students are allowed to bring in school any books (other than school text books or library books) magazines or articles like mobile phone, camera, any electronic items etc. without the permission of the Principal.
14. Every student attending the school is obligate to take part in all the school activities.
15. No students shall enter in any classroom other than his/her own without permission.
16. Letters addressed to student, C/o. school may be delivered open.
17. Smoking, use of tobacco, pan, alcohol, drugs, etc. or possession of any of it may lead to expulsion from the institution.
18. The school cannot be held responsible for any accident, light or serious injury, to students during their stay in the school while taking part in sports or any other.
19. The visiting hours to meet the Principal for the parents or guardians is 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
20. Other rules and regulations may be made and informed to the students from time to time, whenever it deems necessary.